1. [A moment, Mr. Worthing. A hundred and thirty thousand pounds! And in the Funds! Miss Cardew seems to me a most attractive young lady, now that I look at her.]
3. [Pretty child! your dress is sadly simple, and your hair seems almost as Nature might have left it. But we can soon alter all that.]
4. [A thoroughly experienced French maid produces a really marvellous result in a very brief space of time. I remember recommending one to young Lady Lancing, and after three months her own husband did not know her.]
5. [There are distinct social possibilities in your profile.]
6. [The two weak points in our age are its want of principle and its want of profile.] The chin a little higher, dear.
All of these five sections show that Lady Bracknell places a lot of importance on wealth and appearances. In section 1, Lady Bracknell states that Miss Cardew is only "attractive" because she comes with a hundred and thirty thousand pounds. In section 3, she tells Miss Cardew that her simple dress and plain hair are something that needs to be fixed. In section 4, she tells her that she has made similar recommendations to other women, which shows she considers these important. In section 5, she states that her profile will help her achieve social status, which shows that she believes that social opportunities are tied to physical appearance. Finally, in section 6, she laments that young people lack principles and a good profile, which implies she considers both characteristics equally important.
Muslims believe that messages from Allah are communicated through prophets .
Answer: Why did Mrs. Hadley, who had been so frightened of the nursery, urge George to let the kids have it on for one last time? Hadley believes that even though the nursery is becomingly terrifyingly real, just a few more minutes can't hurt, because she thinks the main damage has already been done.