The correct answer is "a lower-class culture of poverty".
According to Oscar Lewis, poverty is caused by a lower-class culture of poverty, while sociologist Julius Wilson suggests that poverty is caused by few available jobs, which led people with no way to earn money to live a proper life.
The Black Land was the only ground the Egyptians could use to grown crops. Every year a layer of black silt deposit appeared after the flooding of the Nile which made the ground real fertile for their crops.
To settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted by States, and. To give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by authorized UN organs and specialized agencies.
When Stu could not <em>procure</em> all the necessary ingredients to make his famous chili, he decided to make nachos instead.
In the English language, procure means to obtain or acquire something. Hence, it is the best word which goes with the statement. As the statement teds to tell that as Stu couldn't get all the ingredients required for making famous chili, he switches on to making nachos.
Other words, such as procrastinate, cannot be right because procrastinate means to delay something.