Answer: Subarachnoid
The space in the meninges below the arachnoid membrane and above the pia mater contains the cerebrospinal fluid. Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by choriod plexus( a cluster of capillaries) from the blood. Blood vessels traveling within the subarachnoid space deliver oxygen and nutrients to the spinal cord.
Antibiotic used include kenamycin, ampicillin and tetracycline. This is useful to determine if and which bacteria took up the plasmid as they were supposed to during the process of recombination. Host bacteria are normally killed by these antibiotics. If the recombinant plasmids were taken up by the bacteria, plasmid may have contained a DNA gene for resisting the effects of one or more antibiotics. Host bacteria are placed in a growth medium containing an antibiotic to which they have a resistant gene in their recombinant plasmid DNA survivor. If they havent taken the plasmid they die.
P<span>atients who cannot afford to purchase bone marrow will have to wait for voluntary donors.</span>
<h2>They are classified on the basis of their cell wall composition and as well as by the reaction to the Gram stain test.
Most bacteria are classified into two main categories
i) Gram positive bacteria and ,
ii) Gram negative bacteria.
They are classified on the basis of their cell wall composition and as well as by the reaction to the Gram stain test.
Gram positive bacteria's characteristics
ii) they have cell walls composed mostly of peptidoglycan.
i) stain purple after Gram staining.
Gram negative bacteria's characteristics.
i) they have cell wall only a thin layer of peptidoglycan and an outer membrane with a lipopolysaccharide component.
ii) stain red or pink after Gram staining.