The correct answer is : Females are supposedly attracted to males who appear healthy and bold, which encourages males to behave this way.
Women prefer to stick-around dads. They prefer mates with the potential for long-term mating. They are more attracted to men who are dominant, bold, affluent and seem mature. What they look for are protection and support. They have a need to feel safe and there is an instinctive desire to feel protected by a man.
The policy of Appeasement intended to "appease" Hiter and Nazi Germany- meaning that they hoped if they satisfy some of Hitler's demands, it wouldn't come to a war and that in the end this solution would produce less victims.
Needless to say, it did not work and Hitler could not be appeased.
Conflict arose because Arabs thought the British had promised them Palestine with the McMahon Agreement and Jews thought the British had promised them Palestine as a homeland with the Balfour Declaration. The Mandate System was created when the Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919.