Manifest Destiny is the belief that America was willed to occupy from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast, so the answer is A.
After the invention of the printing press by Gutenberg many more ways or architecture opened up as well as new ideas of technology. Gutenberg creating the printing press allowed us to further innovate his ideas to technological advanced printers. Many great thinkers including Gutenberg inspired others to try inventing something for once. Plus with the printing press being able to print books it improved children’s learning.
The linguistic relatively hypothesis, <span>Edward Sapir and his student Benjamin Lee Whorf advanced the linguistic relatively hypothesis, which argues that language influences our perceptions of the world. This is because we are more likely to be aware of things if we have words for them.</span>
Yes, If Adolf never ordered his army generals to prepare to treble the size of his supply for 300,000 men. The german military could have not expanded. Causing the holocaust to never happen.