Another important advantage would be that the information you stored is portable and you may thus carry the CD right inside your pocket. Whenever you need it, you can retrieve it in a minute.
Answer: Backtracking
Backtracking algorithm approaches a solution in a recursive fashion whereby it tries to build answers and modify them in time intervals as we progress through the solution. One such backtracking algorithm is the N Queen problem whereby we place N Queen in a chessboard of size NxN such that no two queens attack each other. So we place a queen and backtrack if there is a possibility that the queen is under attack from other queen. This process continues with time and thereby it tends to extend a partial solution towards the completion.
Downcasting is a way of determining whether a given object is of a particular subclass type. In object-oriented programming downcasting is used to cast an object to a subtype. Even though sometimes it throws a compile-time error in Java, downcasting can be done on languages like Java, C++, C#. The opposite of downcasting is upcasting, which is simply the casting of an object to supertype or parent type.
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