- the roles were it layed a base where the rights of people were catered for,,. it also prevented its members from mistreatment by the government,,2. unalienable rights are the previledges or rights one cannot deny you,,like right to food,, right to basic education,,3,,
battle of bankers led to new world of medicine by making it improve by inventing ways of treating the sick,,,4,,Thomas pointed out that common sence is granted to every one and that it is the drive that makes people conduct themselves without being followed up
Hawaii's entry into the union was largely brought about by white sugar planters who usurped control of the government. In 1887, Hawaii's king was forced to sign the Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaii. This document stripped the king of his authority, established property qualifications for voting, disenfranchised most Hawaiians and immigrants. It gave much of the political and economic power to the white elite. Queen Lili'uokalani ascended to the throne in 1891. She announced plans for a new constitution. A coup d' etat was led by American businessmen and the queen was deposed.
Wanted to negotiate for protection of American rights peacefully.
The Olive Branch Petition want was an attempt to avoid a war between the Colonies and Great Britain. It said that the colonies were loyal to Great Britain, but asked that the colonies be given free trade and taxes equal to subjects who lived in Great Britain.
Romans came from the Italian pensinsula and came to Britain in the early first century. It was a gradual process and they slowly started conquering the different parts of the British isles during that time.
Vikings came from the Northern parts of Europe and they started conquering the British isles in later periods.
Both came and wanted to conquer the lands, while Romans were 'established' conquerors and started governing these areas soon by spreading their culture etc. The Vikings on the other hand had pillaing more in mind and did more of that and did not govern that much from the beginning.