Erasmus wanted everyone to be able to read the Bible. His arguably greatest accomplishment was his translation of the New Testament. Erasmus wanted the Bible to be publically available in every language. A is the correct answer.
People who participate in genocide deny their involvement because They feel enormous guilt yet do not want to face severe punishment.
<h3>What Is Genocide</h3>
Genocide is defined as the deliberate and systematic killing of a large number of people for the purpose of destroying that group or nation.
Genocide is particularly targeted at nations or ethnic groups or tribes.
People who participate in Genocide may later feel remorseful but they are always scared of facing the consequences of their actions
Learn more about Genocide at
Whites recovered from diseases such as measles and smallpox because their bodies were used to the diseases and their bodies knew how to get rid of them. Native Americans had never experienced diseases like those so their bodies didn't know how to handle them.
There is a legend about that , Buddha was from a rich family that teach him that the world was all good and the bad do not exist. He lived 29 years of his live thinking that life was only good until he found the truth , he found that people die and have diseases ,in other words , he found that people suffer.
He was having so much information to process, so that is why he left his aristocratic and materialistic home and think about the suffer and how the world really is. He runs away from his house in the search of ilumination.
s The buddhism is similar, in a nutshell, a Buddhist want to defeat the suffer with the ilumination ( that is like a total spiritual awake) or by nirvana (reincarnation). Also in buddhism is taught that virtues and moral help in the search of a non-suffering existence.
The buddhist don´t believe in any god , they just follow lessons that buddha taught after years of searching the spiritual illumination.But there are people that they admire named bodhisattva , that are people that go significantly inside the path of Buddha.
The correct answer is Germany.
Germany was punished in the Treaty of Versailles and then suffered at the hands of the worldwide economic depression. This made the conditions just right for Hitler to rise to power.