Answer: I think it is methanogenesis.
Ansa million. once you're staring at in ordinary terms one technology, it relatively is, all those fruit flies have been produced via 2 mum and dad, then the only plausible parental genotype that provide you a 50/50 ratio is that if the mummy is XwXw and the father is Xry... this gene is carried on the X chromosome, and w represents white eyes and r represents purple eyes. you are able to bypass forward and draw this out in case you like, even yet it provides 50% heterozygous women individuals (with purple eyes, provided that purple is dominant), and 50% white eyed men, who can in ordinary terms inherit Xw from their mom. The Y that they could inherit from the father could have not any effect on their eye shade. it relatively is comparable for women individuals, they are in a position to in ordinary terms inherit Xw from their mom and an Xr from their father, meaning they'll continually be heterozygous for the attention shade gene. 2. returned, set us the genotypes so which you will visualize it; we are going to say that this disease is carried on the X chrmsm (thats whats usually assumed), and the gene for customary creative and prescient is XB, yet for colorblindness its Xb. those are dominant/recessive to boot. So, if the girl is a provider, her genotype is XBXb, and if the male is colorblind, his genotype is XbY. in case you draw this out in a punett sq., you will get 25% heterozygous woman, 25% colorblind woman, 25% well-known male, and 25% colorblind male. so, there's a 50% risk that any baby they have would be colorblind, 50% risk if its a woman, or 50% risk if it relatively is male.wer:
c. FADH2
FADH2 is an electron carrier that is generated in the reaction catalyzed by malic enzyme.
In the court of law, there's the plaintiff and defendant
The plaintiff brings the case or have a case against someone in the court of law
The defendant
Is the accused in the court of law
Fed is the accuser
Wilma is the accused
A recessive disorder is expressed in a homozygous genotype only. Most of the recessive disorders are not expressed as the expression of the recessive allele is masked by a dominant allele in the heterozygous state. However, breeding between close relative (inbreeding) increases the homozygosity in the population and allows the expression of recessive alleles that were otherwise not expressed in the population.
According to the given information, the disease is rare and is mostly expressed in the progeny obtained by mating between closely related individuals (the first cousins). Therefore the disease is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern.