Sumon :Guys to you all now that we have some responsibility. For our school.
Kiran :Yes we all we have some responsibility.
Radhika : What are u all talking about.? I can’t understand.
Aradhya :Radhika are you a fool. we all talking about our school.
Radhika :Now i am not fool. I am just asking about our responsibility. What can i do for our school?
Neha :Ohh! My dear friends don’t worry. I can explain you what is our responsibility.
Tisha :yeh guy’s we all have to listen neha.
Sumon :yes neha you have to explain.
Kiran : neha be quick.
Neha : I think we all have to do something for our school, country and for human being. Means idea about our past culture ‘how in our past people wearing what type of dresses, and the how the palaces ect.
Aradhya :yes you all right neha. All are busy in making our culture dirty. When all will understand the importance of world heritage sites. They all will proctect our environment.
Kiran :yes! People will not cut down the trees. They will be serious about our heritage.
Radhika :so guys we will do our responsibility to protect our heritage and culture.
hope it helps you, you can also change the names if you wanted to.