Ok, follow you on where tho
While at first Lord Capulet says he will not approve Juliet's marriage to Paris without her consenting to it, when she refuses to marry Paris, Capulet becomes furious with her. He resorts to name-calling, cursing, and a threat of disowning Juliet as he yells in rage against her disobedience.
Basically all kinds of scientific investigations involve observations in the beginning- based on the observations one makes the hypothesis, which then one tests with the help of experiments.
Starting on the note D, to form this scale, the 12 notes of the scale are D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B, C and C#. The formula for this scale is very simple: All notes are included. In the key of C, you start on C and end on C. In the key of G, you start on G and end on G.