An obtuse triangle is a triangle that has a single obtuse angle, which is an angle that measures more than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees. Obtuse triangles, also referred to as oblique triangles, can be recognized by their having a single significantly larger angle and two smaller angles. Since every triangle has a measurement of 180 degrees, a triangle can only have one obtuse angle. You can calculate an obtuse triangle using the lengths of the triangle's sides.
Square the length of both sides of the triangle that intersect to create the obtuse angle, and add the squares together. For example, if the lengths of the sides measure 3 and 2, then squaring them would result in 9 and 4. Adding the squares together results in 13.
Square the length of the side opposite the obtuse angle. For the example, if the length is 4, then squaring it results in 16.
Step-by-step explanation:
Any real number line ranges from negative infinity to positive infinity. A real number number line consists of all the rational and irrational numbers. Let us take three intervals which contain both the rational and irrational numbers.
First interval: [3,4]
Since every integer is a rational number, 3 and 4 are both rational. In this interval there occurs the value of π (3.14159..) which is an irrational number.
Second interval : [0,2]
0 and 2 are integers and hence are rational. In this interval, occurs √2 (1.41421...) is an irrational number.
Third interval : [2,3]
In this interval, Eulers number 'e' lie whose value is (2.718281.. )
Hence we can conclude that, there occurs an irrational number between any two rational number.
327.21 euros.
Step-by-step explanation: