It will address the research question of what type of goose (species) does the Nene evolved from.
Genomics uses the whole set of an organisms DNA to study and understand its' function, structure, and evolution. Scientists will use the Nene's genome set to study its evolution,basically telling a story where it comes from.
Answer and explanation;
The hydrophobic effect is the observed tendency of non-polar substances to aggregate in an aqueous solution and exclude water molecules. Hydrophobic interaction is mostly an entropic effect originating from the disruption of highly dynamic hydrogen bonds between molecules of liquid water by the non-polar solute.
Introduction of such a non-hydrogen bonding surface into water causes disruption of the hydrogen bonding network between water molecules.
Water dissolves molecules (proteins and nucleic acids) that display on their solvent-accessible surfaces groups that can h-bond [hydroxyl, carbonyl, ester groups; they're polar uncharged...also charged groups; protonated amines, carboxylates and phosphate ethers.
Molecules with internal h-bonds dissolve in water, some/all internal h-bonds may be in dynamic exchange with h-bonds in water
Polar nature of water contributes to ability to dissolve non-ionic polar organic molecules, such as phenols, esters, amides; have large dipole moments and interaction with water dipole promotes solubility in water.
Once, a physician accept to treat a patient, their relationship will continue to exist until the patient no longer needs the physician, then the relationship will end naturally. But in a situation where the relationship has to come to an untimely end, the physician must avoid abandonment claim by giving sufficient notice of withdrawal to the patient, relatives or responsible friends and guardians of his patient in order to secure another physician.
The CNS are lined by ependymal cells. Ependymal cells are epithelial cells that monitor the composition of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)