Let's think about the denominators we have. A seventh goes on forever in no specified order. A fifth an a fourth have set decimal values, 0.2 and 0.25, so they are not repeating decimals. A ninth is 0.111111..., it repeats like this forever in a specified order. Therefore, 2/9, or 0.222222...., would be a repeating decimal.
Therefore, our answer is
I hope this helps!
Step-by-step explanation:
8 times 10^9 = 8000000000
Step-by-step explanation:
A corresponds to angle P, so angle P measues 70 degrees.
Similarly, angle Q measures 60 degrees and angle R measures 50 degrees.
1 hour = 50 km
3 hours = 50 x 3 = 150 km
Answer: The car would go for 150 km in 3 hours.