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What are your thoughts on choral choreography? - › High School › Arts
1 hour ago - Find an answer to your question What are your thoughts on choral choreography?
Step One! A Choral Movement DVD
It depends on which type of leaf, but I'll try to show you a simple one. I found this picture, I hope it's useful.
If a solfge has this: '
Then it is a high note!
First Row: Do, Mi, Fa, Sol, Ti, Do'
Second Row: Ti, Do', Ti, Sol, Fa, Mi, Fa, Ti, Sol, Sol
Third Row: Ti, Sol, Fa, Ti, Fa, Mi, Do, Mi, Fa
Fourth Row: Ti, Fa, Sol, Mi, Sol, Do, Mi, Fa
That's all I can do for now. hoped this helped!!
The picture of the two bird i had this question on my art test are you in k12