Johann Gutenberg's invention of movable-type printing quickened the spread of knowledge, discoveries, and literacy in Renaissance Europe.
Known as green-seed cotton, was very hard to remove and very time consuming. A worker could spend an entire day picking seeds from a single pound of this cotton. The three crops that dominated the southern agriculture was tobacco, rice, and indigo. ... It became easier to make with the cotton gin.
C. Countries with command economies created problems, such as high unemployment, by reducing government spending.
The command or centralized economy is one in which the factors of production are in the hands of the State. Therefore, the market loses its raison d'être as a mechanism for consigning resources. These manipulations are carried out through economic plans for several years (five-year plans), which specify in detail the supply, production methods, wages, investment in infrastructure.
<u>The Bill of Rights is comprised of Articles 3-12 of the constitution which are ratified subsequently and they together form what is called the Bill of Righ</u>ts. Thus they are an integral part of the Constitution of the USA.
The Constitution had the earlier Bills ratified including the Article 2 as recent as the 90s but the first article of the Constitution was never ratified. The Bill of Rights is included in the articles 3 to 12.