Uh, if treated properly, with all it needs, then it'll be fine. but only if TREATED PROPERLY!!!!!!!
Yes. The universe is EVERYTHING space is made of. Earth is just one planet
D- Iron
~+lil more info!+~
Iron is the ultimate nuclear “ash,” from which no nuclear energy can be extracted.
Am certain that the factor that prevents us from finding fossils from the Precambian era is that Most rocks from that era are deeply buried. The precambrian is the informal name for the large expanse of time preceding the current Phanerozoic Eon. It began with the Earh's Formation about 4.5 billion years ago and lasted until the advent of multicellular life about 542 million years ago.
Because between the earth and sun is empty space (vacuum) transfer of heat from the sun to earth can only occur through radiation- because convection and conduction require a medium. The is the same process that warms your hands when you place them beside a fire. When you put your hands above the fire, they are warmed through convection.