the role of an os or operating system is the program that executes everything and makes the computer usable hope this helps
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
int responses[30],count[6];
int score = 0;
string resp = " ";
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
responses[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
while ((resp != "Y") && (resp != "y"))
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
while ((score > 5) || (score < 1))
cout << "Student " << (i+1)<< " please enter a value (1-5):";
cin >> score;
responses[i] = score;
if((score > 5)||(score<1))
if(score==1) count[1]++;
if(score==2) count[2]++;
if(score==3) count[3]++;
if(score==4) count[4]++;
if(score==5) count[5]++;
score = 0;
cout<< "Response Frequency Percentage"<<endl;;
cout<< " 1 "<<count[1]<<" "<<(count[1]/30)<<"%"<<endl;
cout<< " 2 "<<count[2]<<" "<<(count[2]/30)<<"%"<<endl;
cout<< " 3 "<<count[3]<<" "<<(count[3]/30)<<"%"<<endl;
cout<< " 4 "<<count[4]<<" "<<(count[4]/30)<<"%"<<endl;
cout<< " 5 "<<count[5]<<" "<<(count[5]/30)<<"%"<<endl;
cout<< "Do you want to exit? Press Y to exit any other key to continue: ";
cin>> resp;
return 0;
Agile/adaptive methods.
The user has just decided to join a firm and will also be accountable to determine whether that system development technique that group uses to establish the latest software for a significant medical distributor to his position as just a lead analyst.
After that, he consumes a week for the purpose to understand his group members for reason to know their strengths and weakness and how would they work under pressure.
So, the following method is required for him to understand about the disadvantages of each of them.
<dd> tag is used
The <dd> tag is used in HTML document to explain set of terms. The <dd> tag list is used in conjunction with the <dl> term. Inside a <dd> tag we can insert text, sentence, paragraph or links. There are 4 primary tags to build any website. Every HTML document begins and ends with HTML tag.