The part of the sentence with the most nuance is "shaking like a leaf", because there is a subtle difference in the shade of meaning.
When constructing a summary for a poem, the first thing one should do is read the poem then immediately retell the poem to yourself in your own words. This should be the first part of the summary—first state the poem’s title, the poem’s author, then write some sentences about the main idea of the poem. In a poem’s summary, you’ll want to be sure to touch on as many literary elements as possible—setting, characters, etc. Whatever you do, be sure to never include your opinion of the poem. A poem should be just an ordinary retelling with absolutely no analysis. For a poem, it’s just the facts and nothing but the facts. Because you will need to include two important ideas from the poem in your summary, one thing you might want to include is a mention of two themes as themes are an important part of the message a poem's author may be trying to convey.
The necklace represents everything that Mathilde wants and does not have, all the material possessions of a finer life. This is why Mathilde is drawn to it: ''Suddenly she discovered, in a black satin box, a superb diamond necklace, and her heart began to beat with uncontrolled desire. ''