The correct answers are:
On wednesday night Juliet will drink the distilling liquor.
Juliet will feel A cold and drowsy humor and will fall asleep.
Thursday morning Paris will find her "dead" in her bed.
Then Juliet's family will take her to the Capulets family vault.
In the meantime, Friar Laurence will tell Romeo about her plans.
Finally, Romeo will see Juliet waking up and take her to Mantua.
This was Friar Laurence's perfect plan. He tells Juliet that she should go and marry Paris, that he would give her a liquor and that when she drank it she would fall asleep, but on the outside she would seem dead for 42 hours. Enough time for Paris to find her "dead" in her bed and the family can take her to the family vault. Once there, Juliet would wake up from her dream and her great love, Romeo, would be waiting for her to be able to escape to Mutua together.
The plan seemed perfect, except that Romeo received the news of Juliet's death before receiving the letter from Friar Laurence, which caused him to kill himself, and by the time Juliet woke up and saw him dead, she also decided to kill herself .
This phrase is in reference to how Atticus dealt with Mayella on the stand during Tom Robinson's trial. Mayella testified that Tom Robinson raped her and beat her up. During his questioning, Atticus found holes in Mayella's story. He got her confused and made her sound as though she wasn't sure about the details or that she wasn't as strong of a person as she'd like to be. This made it difficult for Mayella to twist the truth to make Tom Robinson seem guilty so she stopped talking. She gave some testimony and then quit answering questions all together. Unfortunately, even though Atticus's questioning of Mayella revealed some significant inconsistencies and improbabilities the jury still convicted Tom Robinson because of his race.
When a noun o pronoun follows another noun or pronoun is called APPOSITIVE or APPOSITIVE PHRASE
The answer is "His protest are met with accusations and arrest, despite the fact that he is a citizen and his son is well qualified.
took the test and also studied.
Please wash your hands before every meal.