Questioning lies at the heart of comprehension because it is the process of questioning, seeking answers and asking further questions that keeps the reading going. For our students to become critical readers, we need to help them engage with texts through a range of different kinds of questioning.
don't you have question 1?
Based on the question, the adverb there is <u>quite</u>. Its kind is adverb of <u>degree</u>.
Adverbs are words that modify virtually all part of speech. By extension, adverbs modify verb, adjective, another adverb in a sentence, preposition, nouns or its equivalent, phrase, sentence, paragraph or a whole passage.
<h3>Types of Adverbs</h3>
- Adverb of manner
- Adverb of mannerDegree
- Adverb of mannerDegreeTime
- Adverb of mannerDegreeTimePlace
- Adverb of mannerDegreeTimePlaceConcession
- Adverb of mannerDegreeTimePlaceConcessionReason
- Adverb of mannerDegreeTimePlaceConcessionReasonCondition etc
In conclusion, the answer is <u>quite</u> and its kind is <u>degree</u>.
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