The peninsulares were at the top of the social classes and was made up of people who were born in Spain.
These people were top officials in government and the Church. Second, were the creoles who were American-born descendants of the Spanish settlers. They owned most of the mines, plantations, and ranches.
The colonial powers that strove to control Iran because of its geopolitical location were Russia and Britain. Russia controlled the north of the country while the south was under the British. The people tried to constitutionalise their country when the King repeatedly failed to deliver even though he promised to. Twice in the early modern period did Iran try to become a democracy with a constitution and rights for the people. Both times the efforts of the people were thwarted and crushed by external colonial influence. The continued interest of the Colonisers in the oil of Iran meant that they were not willing to let the people have a fair share of say or profit in the way the national resources of the country were used.
....i need to see the stuff before i help
the mexican soldiers started to shoot texans first