<span>Okinawa had the most vital air base in the United States island hopping campaign</span>
Show me the statements. also I already got the assignment I know the answer to the
<span> it simplified and streamlined centuries of existing Roman laws and Justinian's own laws and into one system.
Four sections made up the code, and these were the Codex
Constitutionum, Digesta, Institutiones and the Novellae Constitutiones
Post Codicem.</span>
With ideal climate and available land, property owners in the southern colonies began establishing plantation farms for cash crops like rice, tobacco and sugar cane—enterprises that required increasing amounts of labor.
To explore Brazil economically
Portugal was the first to make a claim on Brazil with the agenda of exploring it economically. The Portuguese were attracted by Brazil because it had trees that could be used as pigments for textile production. In addition to the plant that branded Brazil the name ‘pau-brasil’ there was a favorable climate for sugar growing. Portugal increased its concentration on Brazil when they discovered gold in Minas Geraes region.