Penelope was far from Odysseus as well so there both were sad that they were apart. Penelope has to deal with the suitors and lead them in a way and Odysseus had to deal with his crew and lead them
It means you write what you learned in life and you find relatable things in the book like how y’all both struggle in math. Do you get it??
Answer: The answer is below.
Both of the themes from these excerpts are about how you can be able to learn despite differences in yourself from others.
The theme of <em>The Story of My Life</em> by Helen Keller is that you are able to do anything you put your mind to, even if you are physically impaired in some way.
The main theme in the excerpt of <em>The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass</em>, is that you can learn how to do things even if you are of a different ethnic background.
In other words, the main character in the story are different in different ways (one is blind, the other was of a different ethnicity)
My father said that the visitor should come into the room.
Omg this is so cute
1. dogs
2. umm purp or orange
3. a beautiful truck
4. probably mrs. doubtfire
5. outside i love it