That would not be likely. It is a very complicated cycle
Answer & explanation:
This acidity in our stomach is advantageous because it kills most bacteria and creates the ideal environment for the enzymes pepsin and gastric lipase to digest food.
The pH corresponds to the hydrogen potential of a solution, this potential can be classified as acid, basic or neutral.
Respuesta y explicación:
Esta acidez en nuestro estómago es ventajosa porque mata a la mayoría de las bacterias y crea el ambiente ideal para que las enzimas pepsina y lipasa gástrica digieran los alimentos.
El pH corresponde al potencial de hidrógeno de una solución, este potencial se puede clasificar como ácido, básico o neutro.
The characteristics of allosteric enzymes are listed below.
1 They may have binding sites for regulatory molecules that are separate from the active site.
2 They tend to have sigmoidal curve of V0 vs [S].
3 They undergo conformational change as a result of modulator binding
Genes are present on DNA that are inherited from parents to their offspring. Genes may be defined as the segment of DNA that ultimately form a particular protein product.
The particular trait of an organism is determined by the specific combination of the inherited genes. The genes are nearly same in all the human beings and there mutation can cause observable phenotype traits.
Thus, the correct answer is option (2).
It can reduce carbon in the atmosphere.