1. Fuerte.
2. Alcohol.
3. Minerales.
4. Equilibrada.
5. Se entrena.
6. Grasa.
7. Prisa.
8. Teleadicto.
In this exercise there are some blanks you have to complete taking into account the context. You have to guess the missing words.
For example:
1. Lo opuesto (The opposite) de débil es fuerte.
2. José debe tratar de consumir menos alcohol cuando sale por las noches.
3. Yo debo tomar más vitaminas y minerales para estar en buena forma.
4. Para tener una buena nutrición, es bueno comer una dieta equilibrada.
5. Marta se entrena todos los días. Es muy atlética.
6. Le he dicho (have told) a Víctor que deje de comer grasa porque no es bueno para su salud.
7. No debe darse prisa para ir al gimnasio. No cierra hasta las diez.
8. Me dijo que yo era teleadicto.
If you know someone that can teach you the basic words and you are constant with it you will be able to learn but you really have to focus because it’s a little difficult but if you Work are you can get through it maybe get books that like transfer it from like English and shows you in Spanish that could be helpful but you just have to work hard that it’s you can do it
Since they are both girls you need a word "they"