850 meters
From the base of the epipelagic zone to a depth of about 850 meters, there is still enough light for a human to see. The second zone between 200 meters and 1,000 meters is known as the "twilight zone". Some light penetrates as far as 1000 meters down into the ocean.
Answer: Option II. inhibited by adenylylation.
Option III. activated by uridylylation of the PII subunit of adenylyltransferase.
Glutamine syntherase is an enzyme that is found in the mitochondria. Glutamine syntherase acts as a catalyst in the reaction that produces glutamine from glutamate and ammonia.
Robert Hooke is the first person to observe cells as microscopic structures.
He was of British descent and, fun fact, he discovered cells by looking at a sliver of cork under a microscope lens (although the 'fun fact' is heavily simplified).
They respire and give off c0^2