It can be. But to most people they don’t believe they will be fine so in most cases it’s not a good therapeutic response.
The Latin word Ave appears as the first word in most sentences.
Six of the eight sentences of the music begin with the word Ave, translated here as Hail. As a song of prayer, directed to the Virgin Mary, this repetition aims to reinforce the importance given to such a figure.
decir --->di
bailar ---> baila
abrir---> abre
poner --->pon
tener --->ten
hablar --->habla
comer --->come
En castellano, el imperativo familiar singular es formado con la <u>tercera persona en singular</u> Tú y el verbo conjugado en <u>tiempo presente modo indicativo</u>.
Esto lo diferencia del imperativo formal singular, donde se usa la <u>tercera persona en singular (formal) </u>Usted.
Entonces, el imperativo familiar singular para los siguientes verbos es:
decir ---> di (Tú)
bailar ---> baila (Tú)
abrir---> abre (Tú)
poner --->pon (Tú)
tener --->ten (Tú)
hablar --->habla (Tú)
comer --->come (Tú)
I am not aware of the story 'The Sand Reckoner'
Therefore, the question 'How do Marcus's words about needing to disembark contribute to the plot of The Sand Reckoner', means that there was a boat in the story of something similar to it.
Therefore, the character Marcus says that the other characters have to leave (disembark) the boat or the something similar to it.
Therefore how does this seem to change or help the plot in the story.
I hope this helped - Maria S.