The answer is "No do dat no more!"
Although modeling, reinforcement, and feedback almost cer-tainly play some role in language development, early theoriesbased on such processes could not adequately account for thefact that most children acquire a very complex language sys-tem in a very short period, and with only limited guidancefrom adults.
Answer: In Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have A Dream” speech, he was telling the people that he had a dream in which his children would grow up in a world that did not have hate or discrimination, he wanted true freedom from racism for the colored people.
Answer:In an indemnity claim for material and moral damages, the claim was partially upheld to order the defendant to pay the claimed material damages, and there was no mention of the moral damages requested by the plaintiff Eleutério. As a lawyer of, having expressly requested in the court order the conviction of the defendant to pay compensation for moral damages, uphold the appropriate measure before the omission of the court