Bacteria that obtain its carbon from carbon dioxide (inorganic source) and its energy from complex carbon is known as chemotherapeutic bacteria. and the type mention in the above statement is known as chemolithoautotrophs.
Liver cell Vs Nerve cell</h2>
- b. liver cells can reproduce while the nerve cells cannot.
Liver cells , the fundamental units of liver are called hepatocytes. Hepatocytes secrete bile that helps in digestion by emulsifying fats. Hepatocytes are capable of dividing and they can regenerate damaged parts of the liver.
In contrast,
Nerve cells, the fundamental unit of nervous system are neurons. Neurons are longest cell of the human body and they contain a cell body and a long axon. Neurons conduct nerve impulses. Neurons are incapable of dividing and hence once damaged neuron cannot be replaced.
Clostridium perfringens is usually the cause of foodborne illness it is associated
with meat and meat dishes, gravies, and improperly handled leftovers. Common
symptoms of foodborne illness are fever, diarrhea, vomiting. The incidence of
foodborne illness is rising because of all the following factors increased
shelf life of food products.
the is a definite article meaning that you cannot use it
"an" can only be used before words beginning with vowels
therefore the answer is" a"