Allie has a degenerative eye disease that is causing her to gradually lose her eyesight. When Allie asked her employer, TrueBlue Fashions, to purchase a low-vision computer for her use at work, she was fired. TrueBlue Fashions has violated the American with Disabilities Act- (A).
O the BAC nears the LD50 of ethyl alcohol
Alcohol content in the blood stream is measured with a breathalyzer and is known as the standard, BAC, short for blood alcohol content. There are different different levels of BAC that can have different effects on consumers of alcohol.
Level 0.40 is generally recognized as the lethal dose that affects 50% of adult humans. At this stage, the consumer falls into a state of unconsciousness or coma, and possibly, death.
what is a gender based violence
The First Amendment sets the tone for the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment begins with the statement "Congress shall pass no law...The purpose is so" The first eclairs the government cannot take away our rights