Answer:In nonpartisan elections, each candidate is eligible for office on his or her own merits. Single Dominant Party: In single dominant, or single-party systems, ...
Answer :
On January 6, 2021 a large riot had gathered and stormed the capitol building to protest against the presidency. At the same time as the rioters were entering the capitol building, congress and lawmakers were inside counting the votes for this past election. The capitol were not prepared for the rioting, and had little law enforcement there to stop such a large group.
As the rioters walked up the steps of the building, officers were there trying to resist the group, but didn’t have the manpower necessary. This led to the people being able to overpower law enforcement and walk into the building, forcing their way into the capitol. Reinforcement was called, the national guard showing up a while after, and standing on guard to keep watch on the capitol building after the fact.
An ideal Supreme Court may come accross as scary but, if we think about it it's like any other building. Ususally, it has many pillars suppoting it and is usually decorated in coulourless way.
Extra Information:
Here are some pictures for you to look at if you are stilll finding it difficult to imagine what a supreme court may look like
it is a test of strict scrutiny
In criminal cases, the government's proof must be more powerful than that. It must be beyond a reasonable doubt. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is proof that leaves you firmly convinced of the defendant's guilt.