D. Each region established its own ''iron curtain'' to protect its interests
After the World War II, Western and Eastern Europe quickly diverged because of their politics. While the West was promoting democracy and market economy, the East was promoting communism and command economy. The strategic interests were intermingled, which led to lot of tensions, so there was a sharp division with artificial political boundary that was separating the two. As both sides were trying to spread their ideologies, but were also afraid of the influence of their opponent, they set ''iron curtains'' resulting in isolation between the two on pretty much every level.
Money is important in life because it ultimately decides your status, your stability, and what your future will look like. It is especially in high demand right now, and many people just can't make enough to sustain themselves and their families, resulting in the growing homeless crisis and in many families needing financial aid and help from other people to survive. People try to get so much of it and no one even thinks to care about trees being cut down, when it comes to their life. People just want to be able to live without piling debts and stress in regards to money and stability in life.
The people grant power to a government for the well-being of all
This theory is one of the speculations that originated. It has been raised since the time of the critics of Greece, yet it has got acknowledgment in the hands of the incredible trio. The name of these extraordinary savants was – John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean Jacques Rousseau.
It expresses that the conditions in the condition of nature sooner or it became terrible, and to happen to this circumstance, the individuals entered themselves into an agreement, and as indicated by this agreement, the individuals will give up some piece of their entitlement to the sovereign.
Socially or economically disadvantaged subjects should be excluded from research protocols that are not designed specifically for them, Option A.
A 'vulnerable population' is a group of individuals who need greater protection than the normal individuals in case they participate in a research, because a research may require include some risks. This type of population includes pregnant women, neonates, children, economically pr socially disadvantaged. Even who are terminally ill are included in such type of population.
They should not be included in research that are not meant specifically for them. They should not included by paying them a nominal amount or for phase 1 as stated in other options.
Paraphrasing plagiarism
There are three main things to look at for in paraphrasing plagiarism. The first one is that the author borrows idea from an source. Secondly, the author is smart enough to ensure that the idea is not copied word-for-word, lastly, the write-up lacks an in-text citation and/or reference. In this case, the student paraphrases but does not use an in-text citation and he borrows ideas from the original source, but does not copy word-for-word. This is paraphrasing plagiarism.