The northerners accepted it because California wanted to be a free state in the union and the southerners rejected it because then it wouldn't be an even number on both sides.
The Marketing Rule of 7 states that a prospect needs to “hear” the advertiser’s message at least 7 times before they’ll take action to buy that product or service. It’s a marketing maxim developed by the movie industry in the 1930's. Studio bosses discovered that a certain amount of advertising and promotion was required to compel someone to see one of their movies.
Efferson asked congress to pass trade laws to punish Britain and France
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte's seizure of power was the product of just another coup de etat. One of his guiding principles is found in his deep belief in the power of the middle class and its nationalist connotations with some similarities to the social policies of Bismarck.
Louis was mainly supported by the low classes, the peasants, He used his mandate to abolish the recently created representative assembly, in order to marginalize the liberal factions, finally becoming himself a new emperor in the second middle of the IX th century. Shortly after being in power he restored universal suffrage.
On the other hand: Bismarck’s realpolitik policies were employed in response to the failed revolutions of 1848 as a way of strengthening the state system and tighten social order. As the most famous advocate of Realpolitik, Otto became the first Chancellor, serving in the Kingdom of Prussia. The use of Realpolitik had him achieve Prussian dominance in Germany. Manipulating political issues causing antagonism in other countries and causing or engaging in wars if necessary, "the end justified the means".
The Menominee Restoration Act was a direct impact due to the effort of Ada Deer. This Act was signed by President Richard Nixon on December 22, 1973. It restored tribal supervision over property and members; it recognized sovereignty to the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin. This Act also gave American Indian tribes access to federal services. After the signing if this Act, the Menominee Restoration Committee was created which would work as an interim authority and be in charge of the new drafting of tribal constitutions; due to the Menominee Restoration Act, the Termination Act of 1954 was repealed.