If I may offer some suggestions that may be helpful. Whenever I am writing or researching or speaking the go-to for me is always an outline.
Use Roman Numerals- I, II, III, IV. V, VI, etc. as well as subpoint to reinforce your subpoints. For example, If I am giving a speech about why I believe that larger vehicles are preferable due to the safety to the passengers, I may structure it in this way;
I. (Main Point) Why Larger Vehicles are Best for Passenger Safety
a.)Crash Test Safety Results from the NHTSA
b.) Local statistics from an insurance agent
c.) Short testimony from a person I know who was involved in a collision that was in a larger vehicle.
II. Larger Vehicles are Heavier and have the following Safety Features that smaller vehicles do not offer
a.) Lane departure warning
b.) Blind-Spot detection system
c.) Assisted braking software
This format always helps me to organize my ideas and to add detail and trim the unnecessary stuff later on. Generally when writing, more is better and then just edit it.
Finally, when giving a speech
1) Intro-TellThem What You Are Going to Tell Them
2) Tell Them
3) Tell Them What You Told Them
These are the best advice that I can offer and I got my BA w/ and English major. Hope it helps!