I believe the answer is: economically privileged youth are more likely than their less privileged peers to define their activities as fun and not work.
In general, economically privileged youth experience less to no hardship compared to the less privileged youth. This make them much more likely tobe able to see various events in front of them as something fun and not work since they know that they always have some sort of safety net that guard them if they fail.
The press published newspapers about the acts of the Patriots fighting the British
Diversification affects the population in terms of availability of resources and in turn affects their size, growth and movement.
- The terms diversification has various meanings, most commonly related to the diversity of life in earth and diversification divided the population on the basis of their characteristics as class, casts, and color.
- The diversification also impacts the regional ie areas of the density of population due to the large availability of resources and areas of low population density due to political instability, war, or diseases. Which impacts the health and wellbeing of the people.
It made people have many hardships and at the end of the Great Depression people grew more
State level court, i would know btw, adopted