The binary representation of +3997 is 1111 1001 1101.
In one's complement this is simply adding a sign bit and inverting all the bits:
1 0000 0110 0010
The two's complement is the one's complement plus 1:
1 0000 0110 0011
That's 13 bits. Normally the sign bit would be at an 8, 16 or 32,... bit boundary.
For -436 it's 10 0100 1100 and 10 bits
The TCP/IP is the transmission control protocol and internet protocol and in the TCP/IP model the transport layer is the second layer.
The primary responsibility of this layer is that it is basically used to deliver messages to the host and that is why it is known as end to end layer.
It basically provide the point to point connection between the destination to server host for delivering the various types of the services efficiently and reliably.
In the TCP/IP model the transport layer are basically responsible for transferring the data or service error free between the server to destination host.
There is no difference between ‘’ and “” string type in python. Both are used to hold the string or sequence of character in the python. triple """ """ can also use for the same.
str1 = "aeiou"
str2 = 'aeiou'
str3 =""" hello"""
print(type(str1), type(str2),type(str3))
<class 'str'> <class 'str'> <class 'str'>
Here all are used to hold string or sequence of character.
Link Aggregation Control Protocol
Link Aggregation Control Protocol can be used to assist in the formation of port channel bundles of physical links.
Link Aggregation Control Protocol is an IEEE standard defined in IEEE 802.3ad. LACP lets devices send Link Aggregation Control Protocol Data Units (LACPDUs) to each other to establish a link aggregation connection.