Edward Arlington Robinson wrote a poem called “Aunt Imogen” which takes into deep consideration the life of a woman who lives in the city far from her sister's farm but every now and then she visits her sister. His poem is considered part of early modernism because of his use of traditional verse form, but rather than describing actions of the character the poet looks into consideration Aunt imogen's reflection on her life, her realizations, and her attempt to cope with her circumstances. His work is much different because of his use of connotative and figurative language, and the themes of alienation and of self-reflection of the life of Aunt Imogen, a the end of the poem aunt imogen learns to cope with her feelings stating that “They were not hers, not even one of them: She was not born to be so much as that, For she was born to be Aunt Imogen”
Hope its help
As America entered the war these “four freedoms” – the freedom of speech, the freedom of worship, the freedom from want, and the freedom from fear – symbolized America's war aims and gave hope in the following years to a war-wearied people because they knew they were fighting for freedom.
Thanks to the word
that says thanks!
Thanks to thanks,
5. that melts
iron and snow!
The world is a threatening place
10. makes the rounds
from one pair of lips to another,
soft as a bright
and sweet as a petal of sugar,
15. filling the mouth with its sound
or else a mumbled
Life becomes human again:
it's no longer an open window.
20. A bit of brightness
strikes into the forest,
and we can sing again beneath the leaves.
Thanks, you're the medicine we take
to save us from
25. the bite of scorn.
Your light brightens the altar of harshness.
Or maybe
a tapestry
30. to far distant peoples.
fan out
into the wilds,
and in that jungle
35 of strangers,
rings out
while the hustling train
changes countries,
40. sweeping away borders,
then spasiboo
clinging to pointy
volcanoes, to fire and freezing cold,
or danke,o yes! and gracias,o and
45. the world turns into a table: