Valediction is the act of saying farewell.
who makes laws?----Congress
How are laws enforced------In general, the power of a government entity to enforce the law through investigations, arrests, and the ability to sue suspects on behalf of the public. ... In constitutional law, the name for a provision that expressly authorizes Congress to enforce a constitutional amendment through appropriate legislation.
your communtiny is most likly a democarcy
What happens when a person in the communtiny breaks a law?---If an adult breaks a law in the community or a business or organization does something illegal, they go to the judicial branch of government for review.
It introduces the relationship between two variables and is called correlation. Proportionality or variation is state of relationship or correlation between two variables It has two types: direct variation or proportion which states both variables are positively correlation. It is when both the variables increase or decrease together. On the contrary, indirect variation or proportion indicates negative relationship or correlation. Elaborately, the opposite of what happens to direct variation. One increases with the other variables, you got it, decreases. This correlations are important to consider because you can determine and identify how two variables relates with one another. Notice x = y (direct), y=1/x (indirect)