Seashells are the exoskeletons of mollusks such as snails, clams, oysters and many others. ... Mantle tissue that is located under and in contact with the shell secretes proteins and mineral extracellular to form the shell. Think of laying down steel (protein) and pouring concrete (mineral) over it
composite volcanoes are characterized by he harzard of mud slides and lava flows
Yes this is true the bald cypress grows in the bayou
The Bill prohibits discrimination on the grounds of gender, pregnancy, colour, birth, culture, race, sex, marital status, family responsibility or status, HIV/AIDS status, ethnic or social origin, sexual orientation, conscience, religion, disability, age, language, and belief.
CO is poisionous and CO2 is non toxic in nature.
CO forms complex with haemoglobin which is more stable than complex of oxygen with haemoglobin. The concentration range of 3-4 % of CO decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of blood. This causes headache, weak eyesight, nervousness and cardiovascular disorders. Higher concentration can be fatal. CO2 is harmful at a very high concentration.