1. I live in Hamraween district
2. I am a student in the ninth grade
3. The teacher ordered us to study our lessons before the exam.
p. The Somali government issued the new curriculum in 2018.
5. I bought the pen for two thousand Somali shillings.
She means that people needed water more than they needed gold so it was more valuable.
I know this because if you look at history's worst droughts, even the purest, brightest, richest gold couldn't get you water, because it had dried out. In those times, even a sponge with a drop of water was critical.
Reality orientation therapy is a progressive treatment for confused elderly patients to help them focus on their immediate surroundings. It attempts to help elderly people reorient themselves by presenting orientating information, such as time, place, and person.
*Flip's the table and moonwalks out*