Answer:Functional magnetic resonance imaging or functional MRI (fMRI)
Explanation:Functional magnetic resonance imaging or functional MRI (fMRI) is a technique used to measure activities that occurs in the brain by detecting how the blood flow changes. It is based on the fact that blood flow and neuronal activation occur together.
A. Jack is making a(n) <u>internal attribution</u> about his girlfriend's behavior, whereas John is making a(n) <u>external attribution</u>.
An internal attribution refers to a situation in which <u>an individual uses a personal reason to explain the outcome of a situation</u>. For example, a specific behavior is the result of the person's personality.
On the other hand, an external attribution refers to the situation when <u>the individual attributes a result to an external situation or environmental factor</u>, not to the person's characteristics. For example, when you fail an exam and you blame an external factor, such as the teacher or the weather.
In this case, <u>Jack is making an internal attribution</u> about his girlfriend's behavior because he thinks she broke up with him because she is selfish; whereas <u>John is making an external attribution</u> because he thinks his girlfriend broke up with him because she had a family emergency to attend.
Answer: Stoicism
Explanation: This classical philosophical school of Hellenistic Greece was founded by Zeno of Citium. Zeno founded this philosophical school in the third century BC in Athens. The philosophy of this school is to find happiness by accepting the present moment as it is, and not allowing yourself to be controlled by desire for any pleasure or fear of pain. Also, personal ethics and constructed behaviour depend on natural laws, i.e on personal acceptance of these laws and nature in general. In this regard, we should cooperate with nature and become part of the overall natural plan by contributing to it with our participation. That is why we have to treat nature and others fairly, in order to accept and experience natural laws with such logic, and thus to build such personal behaviour.
The 3Rs by Russell and Burch are known to be the "alternative methods" to improve the treatment of laboratory animals, at the same time to advance the quality of science that uses animals for studies.
The 3Rs are Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement. Replacement is defined as minimizing the pain and suffering of the animals used in research. Reduction is for reducing the number of animals being used, and using healthier animals. Replacement is using alternative to animals such as tissue cultures and computer models.
They kept control of a railroad junction
This link of railroad acted almost as a tether from which both Confederate armies could support one another at will. In this particular case, Johnston was actually able to use the railroad to move his troops to the aide of Beauregard as we read earlier, helping sway the tide of battle in the South's favor.