soliloquy: talking to yourself
monologue : talking to others
A monologue is when there's more than one party involved, like two people talking to each other, but essentially all the talking is done by one person. Imagine a parent scolding a child, and the child doesn't respond. Or a comedian performing alone on stage in front of an audience. There's only one person speaking... but to someone else.
A soliloquy also implies only one person talking... but it's mostly in cases where there's no other participant in the communication. Like when you're talking to yourself. So, there's only one person talking again, but not to any one else.
B. to reflect a hopeful, cohesive view of American society.
After,afterward,afterthat,atfirst,atthistime, before,beginningwith,beyond,during,earlier, endingwith,eventually,finally,following,from thenon,inthemeantime,last,later,meanwhile, next,now,since,soon,then,until,while
An image it alludes to may be a man laying in his cell dwelling his crimes as hears the train go by. It gives a sort of dark image of an experience a man is having in prison for his crimes of shooting a man.