A. They tie empty barrels to the animals so they can float to the shore.
I remember in the movie, the pig, snorting loudly, swimming towards shore with a barrel tied around him. Lol luv that part!!! (:
please rephrase the question I dont understand.
We are living in the age of digital communication. At all times we see the launch of more technological devices, with more efficient connection networks that allow us to establish communication with anyone anywhere in the world who has access to this type of technology and the best, we can do this without leaving home .
This context seems to establish a perfect reality, where communication is increasingly efficient, but it is not quite so. At least not in the opinion of Sherry Turkle, who believes that in the best place for our communication, technology is destroying it.
In his article "The Flight from Conversation," Turkle states that technology is promoting the loss of the ability to socialize and establish a face-to-face conversation, where it is difficult to hide our real feelings, or "make up" our personality. The expensive conversation the face emits a certain vulnerability that the virtual conversation does not and therefore it is preferable
Turkle uses logical resources to show that disengagement is also an important factor in this situation, because we can be close to people with our goals, but at the same time away, because we don’t need to be close to talking to them, we don’t need to answer communication between them.
Turkle uses clear and direct words, so that anyone can conclude that as technology evolves, communication becomes more artificial and rare, with no real personal connection between individuals.
Public school students do not lose their constitutional rights when they walk through the schoolhouse doors. The U.S. Supreme Court has recognized that “students in school as well as out of school are ‘persons’ under our Constitution.” This means that they possess First Amendment rights to express themselves in a variety of ways. They can write articles for the school newspaper, join clubs, distribute literature, and petition school officials.
But public school students do not possess unlimited First Amendment rights. Two legal principles limit their rights. First, as the Supreme Court has said, minors do not possess the same level of constitutional rights as adults. Second, the government generally has greater power to dictate policy when it acts in certain capacities, such as educator, employer or jailer. For instance, a school principal can restrict a student from cursing a teacher in class or in the hallway. However, the principal would have limited, if any, authority to punish a student for criticizing a school official off-campus.
I hope this helps