"That's just how people are, a family had two children. One kid is 2 years older, He was better academically and is well rounded, and behaved whereas for the second child. They weren't failing but nothing extraordinary either, at the house they are slackers and just lay around all day. But they both have the same set of rules. Perhaps one parent is more hardworking and the other parent just does minimum or only puts in just enough effort to get the job done."
Im not writing an essay for you but I'll give an outline
P1: introduction. Introduce main points of how strength and intelligence contribute
P2: it took strength mentally and physically to build the city. Mental strength to persevere and physical strength to actually put it together
P3: it took intelligence because you would have needed to be smart to make good buildings. You'd also have to make the city safe for the people inside and keep attackers out.
P4: just the introduction in different, more concluding works
The correct answer is A. sentence that presents a subject and makes claims about it to be proven later
It is usually found at the end of an introduction but this is not obligatory and can sometime be found earlier. It does often state an opinion but it is not obligatory either.
According to a publication Childhood Sports Injuries and Their Prevention,"Any organised team activity should demonstrate a commitment to injury prevention."
I inferred you are referring to the Nigerian born writer Chimamanda Adichie's account found here (https://www.ted.com/talks/chimamanda_ngozi_adichie_the_danger_of_a_single_story?language=en).
Remember, in Adichie's talk she said referring to Fide, "the only thing my mother told me was that his family was very poor."
Later after she saw the basket fide's brother made she said "it had not occurred to me that anybody in his family could actually make something". This stereotyped view expressed in her words above complements the story of her college roommate’s stereotyped view of Adichie when she said, "she asked where I learned to speak English so well,....she had felt sorry for me even before she saw me. My roommate had a single of Africa; in this single-story, there was no possibility of Africans being similar to her in any way."
Indeed, her talk would have had a different impact without the story of Fide and his family, considering the fact that this was a real-life story so it made the best impact.