Conforming to Confucian thinking and mentality, the feudal Japanese society was a strictly hierarchical one.
At the top stood the Emperor. He was seen as a divine being, but he was a figure with no real power.
The Shogun, the commander-in-chief of the army, had the real power, he was the most powerful man in Japan.
Under shogun´s control, there were the daimyos or top feudal lords, powerful landlords, heads of clans.
Regading the other members of society, there were four classes:
warriors (samurais), artisans, farmers and merchants.
Why did the Confederacy want to control Fort Sumter Fort Sumter was located in a union state and controlling it would make it easier to hold off Union troops Fort Sumter was located within the Confederacy and it protected important shipping lanes and commercial areas Fort Sumter?
<em>I HOPE I HELPED *</em>
<span>The ability to allow political parties to have a strong voice in national politics is an attribute of Proportional Represantation it's electoral system when political party is represented proportional to the persentage of total votes cast on that party</span>
It would be more expensive to buy now than last year. Because now, this year, you would need more of their money to buy their supplies due to inflation.
good luck, i hope this helps :)
The Raid on Cadiz was an attack led by Sir Francis Drake in April 1587 as Philip II was preparing the Spanish Fleet for the Armada. The attack is sometimes known as Singeing the Beard of the King of Spain.