Gun powder was used for military purposes in the 919 A.D. It killed many people in China. It was explosive.
The answer to ypur question is to give credit to the creator and/or ask permission.
Answer: effect or consequence
Explanation:There are three part that makes up an assertive message it's the behaviour,feeling and the effect.
Teh behaviour is explained that William want to go and visit over his friend probably because he wants to relax and his father states his own feelings towards this.
The father thought doesn't state what will be the effect for William if he goes over to his friend which is will be probably more influential in changing his mind about going over to his friend .
The lack of the consequences on the message may make the receiver not see why his behaviour need to change or why he may need to rethink it.
Back then <span>Europeans prohibit trading between the different American colonies because the practice Mercantilism, which means that they wanted to keep all their wealth to themselves.
When Trades between two entity happens, both wealth of the trading partners will increase due to the profit that they generate through the trades. The Europeans do not want this to happen because they wanted to keep America powerless and under their control.</span>