False: grammar mistakes
French: Sophie va en ville seule
English translation: Sophie goes to town alone
The English translation is not correct.
This would be the correct sentence in french: Sophie se rend seule à la ville
Correct English Translation: Sophie goes to the town alone
<em />
<em>37. Moi, je "vais" (aller) à la campagne.</em>
<em />
<em>38. Le professeur "va" (aller) corriger les examens.</em>
<em />
<em>39. Tes amis et toi, vous "faites" (faire) les devoirs ensemble ?</em>
<em />
<em>40.Ma famille et moi, nous "allons" (aller)manger à ce restaurant.</em>
<em />
<em>41. Et eux ? Qu'est-ce qu'ils "prennent"(prendre) au déjeuner?</em>
<em />
<em>42. Nous "prenons" (prendre)du pop-com au cinéma.</em>
<em />
<em>43. Mes soeurs "font" (faire) très bien du ski.</em>
<em />
<em>44. Et toi, qu'est-ce que tu "vas" prendre au café ?</em>
Read this note and watch this video to learn how to express duration in French.
Have fun and be attentive
Prepositions: Duration - course
Since (with the present): duration between the start of an action and now: duration since a date in the past or an event and now. The action expressed by the verb continues even today .................. 'abite here for 4 years. since January 2003, since my marriage.
During the actual duration of an action .......................... lived here for 15 years. I will be going on vacation during the month of August. I learned French during my vacation.
There is (with the past tense affirmative): indicates a precise moment in the past, for a finished action ............... He left 5 minutes ago.
Until indicates the end of the duration of an action: ................ I am here until Tuesday. He lived here until his sister left.
In: the time necessary to carry out an action .................. I go to work in half an hour. (I leave at 9 a.m. and arrive at 9:30 a.m.)
For indicates the planned duration, the planned duration .................. He will come for 3 months but if the city pleases him he will stay longer.
Since (with the present): duration between the start of an action and now: duration since a date in the past or an event and now. The action expressed by the verb continues even today .................. 'abite here for 4 years. since January 2003, since my marriage.
<em />
<em>1. En 1994, j'habitais (habiter) à Toulouse.</em>
<em>2. Pendant notre enfance, nous jouions (jouer) au tennis.</em>
<em>3. Est-ce que tu finissais (finir) toujours à 18 heures?</em>
<em>4. Tous les jours, elle lui rendait(rendre) visite.</em>
<em>5. Vous alliez (aller) souvent au cinéma.</em>
<em />
<em>La voiture est "chère".</em>
<em>Les motos sont "spacieuses".</em>
<em>Les vélos sont "petits".</em>
<em>La voiture est "vieille".</em>
<em>Les bus sont "pratiques".</em>