Júpiter, Saturno, Urano, Neptuno,
(espero que sean simplemente los del sistema solar)
Answer: Repentance
Explanation: Expressed publicly, this act of speech can be seen as an act of weakness or, conversely, as an act of strenght that exalts the image of the issuer, far from reducing it. It would then be a statement that contains three speech acts: the act of recognition of the fault, that of the proposal for reparation and the act of bravery that emerges from the public recongition of the lack of the politician´s regret is considered a discursive strategy of power that allows you to rehabilitate your image. In its strategic elaboration, the politician tries to appear sincere while mitigating or justifying the importance of the fault.
I was formed as a form of defense against Germany.
The first Europeans to arrive in North America -- at least the first for whom there is solid evidence -- were Norse , traveling west from Greenland , where Erik the Red had founded a settlement around the year 985. In 1001 his son Leif is thought to have explored the northeast coast of what is now Canada and spent at least one winter there.