Listening-56%, Speaking-23%, Reading-13%, Writing-8%.
According to the estimated percentage, an average person in the United States spends about 56 percent of their time listening, which is comparatively the highest than other communication activities. When it comes to speaking, 23 percent of a person's time is spent in interacting. Only 13 percent of time is used up for reading. Apart from this, the estimated percentage of writing is the lowest. Only 8 percent of time is spent by people when it comes to any kind of write up work.
Letter format is given in explanation.
The Editor,
The Hindu Times,
Dear Sir,
This is to bring into your knowledge that there is frequent electricity breakdown in the Bihar and Banaras colony areas. The people living here in small houses and there is lack of ventilation in the house which creates suffocation. The people living here are very poor and are able to hardly earn their livelihood. They cannot afford generator or UPS for the compensation of electricity. There is even electricity failure in the hospitals which creates difficulties for the patients and they attendees. The breakdown has been major in past several days and for more than 15 hours there is no electricity in the area.
It is therefore requested that you pay immediate attention to this issue. I hope that this issue will be addressed by the concerned authorities soon.
Yours's Sincerely,
In text, use numerals and “%.” Spell out the numeral and the word only if they begin the sentence. Where the percentage is less than 1%, add a decimal point and a zero.
It is both an <u>Action Verb</u> and a <u>Linking Verb</u>
The word became is a true linking verb in that it always links the subject to extra information and it's an action verb because if you are "becoming something" you're committing an action.